WRECKAGE OF DREAMS ------------------ by Shaun Gardiner [The scene, lit only by the moon, is a small raft, adrift on the sea with a dead engine. A large number of refugees lie on the raft; they swamp it, almost concealing the shape of the hull. It is as if a mass of bodies floated on the sea. They have been adrift for fourteen days, and are dying of thirst and starvation. Towards the centre of the group a MAN and a WOMAN lie together. The people lying about them are the CHORUS. The WOMAN clutches a small ragged bundle: a baby. It is silent. She grips it tight but does not look at it. The sea is busy - a squall is blowing.] CHORUS The big waves roll over. The sea is black blood and unforgiving but lost in the flood we are still living. Each minute erodes the memory of bread, congeals in the two-week-waterless veins; the waves have drawn down the remains of our hope to the depths, a lineless lead. The sea plots all, divines the route, the current commands advance, retreat, and the darkness sings softly of day's defeat when the mouth of the sun falls mute. [The squall relents. There is calm.] MAN WOMAN You must sleep my love My love, how can I sleep - on land I knew knew without knowing sleep my love the sun would see me wake. Here on the waves nothing is fixed - sleep my love who can know the difference of sleep's calm from final silence? Which the lights behind the lids? Which the stars? [The sun begins to rise, but with it the waves grow more restless.] CHORUS What choice remained besides the waves? Behind us our home, defiled, bomb-broken, its sleep rent by gunfire, bullet-awoken: abandon our past or sink in its grave. Our boards are slick with rot. At night they creak like the dreamer's ribs when they swell with sleep. We are dreamless. We await the light. Day's fire makes change from frost of night. [The sound of the sea rises, swamps over the words of the CHORUS. The sun has risen. A throbbing is heard, a deep concussive rhythm that gradually builds. The sea is disturbed, beaten back in a widening ring.] CHORUS Something above us beats the air, in and out of the sun it fades. The angel of our granted prayers, its halo a whirl of blades. [The WOMAN holds up her bundle. The MAN holds up his empty hands. Around them, the CHORUS also stir and grasp upwards. The sea streams out in a wide bowl, the raft at its centre.] MAN WOMAN My baby - see my baby From the sky they came down to our shouts, to our hands. my baby We thought they would catch us up to their clouds, up to their sun. my baby They only dropped water and bread: for each of us a gulp, a crumb. Kindness half-handed, cruel, to stretch out death. [The helicopter fades away. The light is going with it. The people on the raft fade back into hopelessness.] MAN They left. WOMAN They may come back. CHORUS Our teeth grind the air. Hunger's fire claims the stomach's ash. Fuel and flames close one flesh. We sought the lands beyond the sea: northward, where they weave war's wing, northward, where they strike its sting from a wall-watch of justice, from a hoard-house of peace. [Again the sea rises and subsides. The sunset is a fiery gnawing. The shape of a great hull appears on the waves. It draws closer, a huge shadow.] CHORUS What is this void approaching? Its shadow daubs the moon with tar. Is death, a dog grown bold, encroaching the wounded sky to scavenge stars? [The ship circles the raft. Finally it is night.] MAN They took pictures of us; outside of a lens they have no frame for suffering. WOMAN They came so close. Our faces - they must have seen - the little bodies. MAN They took their pictures and left. [The ship is disappearing into the distance.] MAN WOMAN Suffering - sensation. Suffering leaps the sense - Projections on a skin of screen lies in the arms, a child is all they see. of the beholder. How can our suffering cross the waves Who could see another's misery when we cannot? and not be in sorrow too? That is all we are to them That is why we cannot be WOMAN and MAN a mere report of suffering, WOMAN and MAN with CHORUS a wreckage of dreams. CHORUS (in alternating halves) They can see everything. They will do nothing. They have seen us. They will not smile on us. CHORUS (together, softly) We are still living but lost in the flood and unforgiving. The sea is black blood. Roll over you big waves. [The sea rises.] - END -